My writing desk in 2017

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Tips on getting a painting done:

--Begin with thoughtful composition. If it isn't right, change it. Composition will not happen on its own; it needs to be engineered.

--Focus on what you are painting. Do not think of what you are going to be painting NEXT.

--When dissatisfied with brush strokes, correct them immediately. Do not leave them to come back to at another time; they will dry quickly and be difficult to revise.

--Do not imagine your painting as someone else's painting. Imagine it only as your own.

--Avoid experimentation. Your paintings should be consistent and identifiable. If you must experiment, keep it as a study. Do not photograph it and show it to other people.

--Remember at all times that your entire oeuvre must stand up on a very strong philosophical spine or foundation.

--After composition, be mindful of tone.

--After tone, be mindful of light and shadow.

--Do not have "a favorite painter". It will make your work derivative and mediocre.

--Paint only after you are well rested and well fed, and when you are emotionally calm and have peace of mind.

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