My writing desk in 2017

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

How to keep a clean studio:

--Use an apron.

--As soon as a painting is completely dry, wrap and stow it away.

--Use a rag for wiping brushes on during painting and another rag for wiping brushes on after washing.

--When your painting rag needs to be replaced, replace it immediately. Old, cotton T-shirts make the best painting rags.

--Use a separate rag for wiping your hands on after washing.

--Wipe your body clean as soon as paint gets on it.

--Wash your brushes and palette knives after every session.

--Your taboret should contain only the items you need during a session.

--Whenever a brush or a palette knife drops on the floor, clean the floor immediately.

--Do not get paint on the handles of your brushes or palette knives.

--Use only one chair for painting. Move it around as necessary rather than have more than one chair.

--Keep solvent bottles not on tables or shelves but on the floor for minimal breakage.

--If your studio does not have a sink, keep a basin of water in a convenient location.

--Do not eat inside your studio. Eat in the kitchen or in the dining room.

--Do not expose useless props or decor around you. Your studio is not a movie set.

--Do not keep books inside your studio. Transfer them to your study or to an adjoining room with a table for reading.

--Do not keep pieces of used bubble wrap for later use. They will accumulate dust that you can never successfully wipe off. Throw them away immediately.

--Your paintings should move. If you are unable to sell or give them away after a certain time, you should keep them in storage in a place other than your studio.

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