My writing desk in 2017

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Your Messenger message:

"Hi Sir Tony,...I'll consult you with a dream I had last night. Yesterday I had this little chat with my female officemate. We joked around a little bit and then I asked her how she is in terms of work. She smiled and then followed it by a smirk saying, Okay pa naman. Fast forward to my sleep, I noticed that we had a scene talking again and she was suddenly opening up on the same topic we had on the afternoon. She even went into detail in saying that shea having problems with her immediate boss and their overall boss. Upon waking I had to distinguish on whether I had an actual talk or was it just a dream because of the very vivid conversation I had. Just want to hear your thoughts on this Sir. Thank you and good morning."

My reply:

Hello _____!

The defense mechanism active in this dream is projection. It is the same defense mechanism active in wish-fulfillment dreams.

Are you attracted to this co-worker in some way? If so, you have been conditioned to get attached to females by being oversolicitous to them, perhaps wanting them to become emotionally dependent on you, and eventually leading to your conquest.

This is not a dream in which you conversed on the astral plane or accessed your co-worker's unconscious. It is more of a reflection of your hidden desires and impulses.

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