The staircase landing of our old Apartment A is located on the east wall, instead of the west wall, in this dream. I discover that it is badly in need of repair. The main post is being consumed by termites and is on the verge of crumbling. The cement floor directly below the landing cracked and somehow buckled at some point in time.
Jeff comes in from the Apartment B area and points out that the landing must be repaired. I say that it must be done immediately, but that we must wait for the construction head to arrive; it seems that in this dream construction work is ongoing on the upper floor but the two men working cannot estimate what is needed to repair the staircase landing without the construction head.
I go upstairs to my old bedroom. J.G., who it seems has been living with us so far, now informs me that he prefers to go home at night to keep his mother company.
I want to be alone in my old bedroom but both doors are open and the window overlooking the staircase has no panels.
I go to the dresser and see that someone has broken my rose gold bangle in an attempt to unlock and wear it. The bangle is one of a set of three, the other two being yellow gold and white gold, all three embellished with diamonds. I go to the Apartment B area through the open door. The two construction men and a teenage boy who could be a nephew of Nelson and also possibly a neighbor are there. I tell them about the broken bangle, thinking that one of the construction men is the culprit. The boy, however, raises his hand and admits to having broken the bangle. He shows me a T-shirt that someone has entrusted to him for sale. It is studded all over with diamonds in vertical rows, but I see that the entirety is a cheap item. I advise the boy not to deal with diamonds and gold because vendors will only cheat him out of his money. I tell him never to go inside my bedroom again. He is embarrassed.
I go back inside my old bedroom and look for a hiding place for the broken bangle. I try the old clothes cabinet and the rolltop desk but decide that it will be easy to find in those hiding-places. I settle on a drawer flush with the wall that is in plain sight but is very inconspicuous.
I shut and lock the two doors and intend to have some time, finally, alone.
In the next and final scene, however, the boy is seated beside me inside the bedroom. We are going over the diamond-studded T-shirt and we are criticizing its craftsmanship because the spacing of the diamonds gets wider toward the bottom of the shirt. Overall I have compassion for the boy, who wants a better life and tries hard on his own to achieve it.
My interpretation:
The staircase landing represents either the connection between the unconscious and the unconscious or the connection between the conscious and the superconscious. My psyche is telling me to "repair the landing", i.e., keep the connections strong and easily accessible. The landing is in the east, the direction of the sunrise and of new beginnings.
The number three figures prominently in this dream. There are three men (construction head and two workers), three boys (Jeff, J.G., and the boy with the T-shirt), three bangles, and three openings to my old bedroom (two doors and an open window).
Jeff represents my art and creative writing students, J.G. all the classroom students I have ever had, and the boy with the T-shirt my magic students and the new Spirit Questors.
The dream seems to be a message from my kuman thong. They seem to be telling me to be kinder and more charitable to all of my students, because they are having a hard enough time keeping up with me as it is. Perhaps only then will the staircase landing be repaired.
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