My writing desk in 2017

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Your Messenger message:

"Hello, Tony!
"It , being my late Papa's birthday today, perhaps you wouldnt mind interpreting my dream last night, where he appeared. "I dreamt i had things to do and people to see at the Cultural Center of the Philippines. I went through the artist's entrance, as usual and went straight to what looked like a lounge for artists with a food court.

"I unexpectedly saw my father dressed in his usual elegant clothes and in white, his favorite. A well-respected man in many professional circles, I was surprised to see him selling food to artists. At that point (in the dream), I thought, 'Oh, Papa wants to make a little money in his old age and interact with young female artists. I saw ballerinas in my dream.

"Then i left him to do his 'business' and I went on my way . "I noticed that from the time i left my house and when i returned, there was mud all around.

"Thank you once again for the many favors. May you continually enjoy good health and may you have the big name in literature that you wish for!"

My reply:

Hello ___________!

Your father is reminding you to be humble despite all your successes, and to see that the artist who serves others is the true success.

The mud that you are stepping on represents all of the negativity that surrounds you, including jealousies and petty intrigues.

Like your father feeding artists in your dream, remember to feed others rather than only yourself. Only then will the mud disappear, for you won't even have to wash it away. Other people will wash it away for you.

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