My writing desk in 2017

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

It's hilarious when a hacker has NO CLUE that you are a hundred times more intelligent than he is.

He ends up hacking himself, and you end up hexing him.
Good noon, Cubao!

The clouds are kennels of fat, white puppies.
The 2018 Super Blue Blood Moon in Cubao

Angelique, J., Kichiro and I went up to the roof deck but I couldn't be bothered to put my camera on night mode.

The moon was blue and a blood moon, but it was hardly super to me--I've seen bigger moons in my lifetime.

It was a freaky experience worth having, though. I felt that I was gazing on the planet Mars.

Dinner at home with Angelique and J. Aubrey still napping from when she came home from university.
The root cause of enviousness is usually being underpaid.
My sister Sylvia found the missing season of Ghost Whisperer and is sending it to me through our eldest sister, Lourdes, in mid-February.
Things should have been worse in our time, and then get better in our children's time, and then even much better in our grandchildren's time.

What does it mean when everything gets worse and worse? Why are we failing our children and our grandchildren?
The January leaf falls off my planner.

Eleven more months to go before this year is over.

Please stop judging competitions in public past a certain age, and avoid looking like Statler and Waldorf, the theater box elderly men in The Muppet Show.
There are two kinds of people who have a crush on you: those who want to see you as often as possible, and those who want to be seen by you as often as possible.
Pluck flowers to place in vases when they are in full bloom, neither earlier nor later.
Whenever you greet Nature upon rising, your day becomes purposeful and fulfilling.
Always remember to spray your decorative, water fountains with insecticide every other day.
Work to retire, not to work some more, because retirement is when a life of heaven begins.
She prided herself on never retiring from her job. Now she sees that she has become a slave to an institution that won't even thank her properly for her loyalty and hard work.
He built his retirement home far away from Metro Manila, only to realize that he is surrounded by and has to deal with just as many atchays.
To me, mornings are time frames of action and evenings, of reflection.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

A tikbalang is really an earth dragon.
In the late 90s I went through a phase of collecting swords and daggers. I consequently outgrew them, especially since none of my sons and grandchildren expressed interest in them. Sold off and gave away most of them and retained only three or four daggers and my one, two-handed sword, my trusty Tikbalang.
What I distinctly remember from the time I was still working in an office is that many of my supervisors, and also their spouses, kept posturing as aristocrats.

When my co-workers began doing the same, I had to put my foot down and expose them for what they really were.
At the age of 50 and approximately ten years before retirement, one should cease depending on groups and begin functioning independently of others.
When an outsider goes out of his way to contact me, I have to find out--whether psychically or non-psychically--what he really wants from me.
If rodents and insects have their own homes, why shouldn't every person in this world have their own home too?
No immature artist is ever safe and predictable company.
Learning from past mistakes and acting positively on them is the opposite of neurotic behavior.
It is living together realistically that bonds people to one another.
When you are content and there is nothing more you want out of life, you stay home and stop chasing idle dreams.

It is when others who want something from you begin chasing you.
I always wake up suddenly before sunrise on weekdays when Aubrey has classes. That is the time she leaves the house to go to university. I suspect that, when she is leaving, she whispers, "'Bye, Grandpa" or says it in her mind, and my psyche immediately responds.
Stopped by the sweetmeat man's mobile store, which he parked in front of John's hawker's stand. Bought suman malagkit and cochinta. Sapin-sapin looks pretty all the time but, to me, it is really nothing more than colored tikoy.
When the moon is full, wear the color white or light yellow.
Devil drivers become more reckless when the moon is full. Men pick fights. Women become garrulous and manic.

Counteract these by:

--Staying home and having quiet fun indoors
--Working out in the gym to expel excess energy
--Escaping by watching a movie or TV
--Working on a task that demands clear focus
--Drinking ice-cold water
Cubao Ilalim

Monday, January 29, 2018

Two cups very black espresso blend.
Good morning, Cubao!

The clouds are scarves unfurling in the sky.
Whenever you don't pay up, the universe makes you.
One step at a time, the nation moves closer to a true and complete separation of Church and State.
It is difficult to maintain house servants because most of them come from a dysfunctional and deprived childhood and are usually transplanted from a paradise of Nature to a concrete jungle. From experience and from observation, two things do not work: treating them like professional employees and treating them like family members.
It is unwise to create a bureaucracy around everything.
The story of life has no ending, even if the protagonist has passed away.

Monday, January 29, 2018

It is whenever you stay mostly at home that your home improves.

It is whenever you stay mostly out that out improves.
Their teachers were not carefully chosen.
She turned down an item and regretted it later. Now the item belongs to someone else who loves it, and there is no way she can have it back.
Let fire redound on its wicked perpetrators.
Never live a life of illusion. When the illusion breaks, you lose everyone and everything.
You really have more friends than you think, because most of them do not physically step up to be with you.
Imagination plays a major role whenever one is in love.
You do not have to be in an altered state of consciousness in order to use your psychic abilities.
Wrong: Ballpen
Right: Ballpoint pen

Wrong: Spiral notebook
Right: Spiral-bound notebook
Work ongoing in M.'s cafe rest room and kitchen.
Good morning, Cubao!

The clouds are laid with silver train tracks.
Going to another of Margie Logarta's Gertrude Stein parties in her 20th-floor unit over the weekend. She's having some of her magazine journalist friends over.

Am bringing my art bag to sketch two or three portraits again. As I mentioned before, I'm aiming to consume all of my dry media supplies.
When the student is ready the teacher does not always appear, especially if the teacher is satisfied with the student he already has.
If you are single and are at work or on travel most of the time, you are better off living without plants and pets in a small, studio-type unit that you can easily lock up, rather than in a house.
Read up on the Eight Immortals, for they are some of the most powerful spirit guides.
Loving the way that good lambanog lights a glowing bonfire inside my chest.
Colors are an artist's jewels, and his paint box is his jewel box.
Every new system will need to be corrected and improved, not shot down and demolished.
Know how to enjoy life. If you don't know how to, make a list of things you do not enjoy, and list, beside them, how you can actually enjoy them.
Iced water, not coffee, tones down inebriation.
Do not shoot from the hip. Give everyone a chance to prove themselves and give them as much time as they need to do so.
After it rains our dragon tree is fully bedecked with sparkling, liquid brilliants and baguettes.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Afternoon rain in Cubao.
Belated Happy Birthday to Kichiro Mayuzumi Miranda!
Your Messenger message:

"Hello, Tony!
"It , being my late Papa's birthday today, perhaps you wouldnt mind interpreting my dream last night, where he appeared. "I dreamt i had things to do and people to see at the Cultural Center of the Philippines. I went through the artist's entrance, as usual and went straight to what looked like a lounge for artists with a food court.

"I unexpectedly saw my father dressed in his usual elegant clothes and in white, his favorite. A well-respected man in many professional circles, I was surprised to see him selling food to artists. At that point (in the dream), I thought, 'Oh, Papa wants to make a little money in his old age and interact with young female artists. I saw ballerinas in my dream.

"Then i left him to do his 'business' and I went on my way . "I noticed that from the time i left my house and when i returned, there was mud all around.

"Thank you once again for the many favors. May you continually enjoy good health and may you have the big name in literature that you wish for!"

My reply:

Hello ___________!

Your father is reminding you to be humble despite all your successes, and to see that the artist who serves others is the true success.

The mud that you are stepping on represents all of the negativity that surrounds you, including jealousies and petty intrigues.

Like your father feeding artists in your dream, remember to feed others rather than only yourself. Only then will the mud disappear, for you won't even have to wash it away. Other people will wash it away for you.

A plant may turn sere and look completely dead, but its roots may still be very much alive.
It is a wise idea to sever all ties with a person who uses your ideas and claims them as his own.
A product is either superior to other products or not. Do not patronize an inferior product out of sheer nationalism or in the hope that your patronage will lead to its improvement. Because, it won't.

It is the producers' problem to come up with a superior product, not yours.

Besides, after all the past centuries, if a product is still not up to par, it is most probably due to the producers' mentality rather than to their amount of capital.
The sun shines in your heart when you long for the rain. It rains in your heart when you long for the sun to shine.
It is easy to deal with a person's preferences, but it is not easy to deal with his biases.
Never allow anyone to pick your brain. When someone tries to do that to you, give him only mediocre ideas.
Bring out to use the best that you have, not the second best. Your second best should only be a backstop.

A Monday that promises a great week. Look for the signs and be thankful for them.
Your Messenger message:

"Dear Tony,
"I am wrting to you again because I had a disturbing dream. Young pigs to the slaughter and tape worms on the floor. I dont know if it has anything to do with my eating pork for an occasion yesterday. I stopped eating pork now for about 8 months. I saw thei throats being cut by a female . And a batch after batch I SAW THEM BEING KILLED. i woke up disturbed and once again swore off eating pork. What could have it meant? _________

"Also adding because i just remembered now i dreamt i was back in school. _________________ to be exact and MARIA ressa of rappler was there. So with IMELDAMarcos. I had my selfies taken with them but was also brought to an abandoned house of imelda where i was given access.

"Muddy roads on the way. Very muddy"

My reply:

Hello _________!

There is nothing to be alarmed about. Your having eaten pork was simply a trigger that led to the imagery in your dream.

The pigs represent your old habits, the tapeworms the negative effects they had on you. The female cutting their throats are your feminine side, most probably an internalization of a combination of your mother, your wife, and your daughter. They are helping you get rid of your old habits for good.

In the dream you are back in school because there are still things that you need to learn in life. The two female celebrities are again personifications of your feminine side. You are being cautioned by your psyche, however, not to identify with any of these female figures (your mother, your wife, your daughter, and the two celebrities), i.e. do not turn your back on or sacrifice your masculinity to overcome your life problems, because doing so would only lead to "an abandoned house", an empty ego.

The roads are muddy because, on this journey, you are mentally confused, are unsure of other people's motives, and, sometimes, undecided as to what you really want.
Tension is always stored in your shoulders. Learn to relax them, and allow them to droop from time to time.
Do your work as quietly and as serenely as the sun creeping over the sky. Very soon, when people stop and look, your work will be done.
Never take your blessings for granted, and never waste them.

The best way to express gratitude for having received them is to use them well.
For every person who has not yet retired, waking up in the morning to go to work is the first stressful action of the day.

For every person who has already retired, on the other hand, waking up is like a baby's gently waking up to the world.
To reverse an unpleasant dream, do three routine things in reverse upon waking. This is not superstitious behavior. The physical action relays a request for astral reversal to your psyche.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun hosts a breakfast party in the sky.
Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Cherries were the motif of my day. Using Nonon's Noodler's burgundy ink, which reminds me of Private Reserve's Black Cherry, Cherry sent me something and I sent her tiny, porcelain planters, and my sister Remi sent me a snack pack of fresh cherries.
An evening snack pack of cherries from my sister Remi.

Three-hour, deep tissue massage.

Now I feel great.
Angelique left after lunch to go to her college and attend the Santo Nino procession, which was made a requirement. Attendance is being checked.
Almost done rereading The Castafiore Emerald. I stop every six pages and resume the following night until I am done. I now avoid the big mistake that I committed when I was young, which was to rush through a comic book from beginning to end, flipping pages without paying much attention to the artwork. This time around I take time admiring every panel on every page.
Using the Noodler's burgundy ink that Nonon gave me, in one of my power fountain pens. Love it because I like brilliant inks as well as watered-down inks. It reminds me of Private Reserve's Black Cherry ink.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Lunch at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Two cups very black espresso blend.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun is a chrome yellow shirt hung out to dry.
The werewolf crossed the street to the burger stand.
Watched Ghost in the Shell on HBO. Loved the production design.

I'm pretending that it's a prequel to Blade Runner. Loved the production design of that one too.
Our choices and decisions in life must always conform to the well-being of the families we are responsible for.
Instead of dreaming of the fantasy life you would like to have, assess what you already have, be happy with it, and seek to empower it.
Sometimes you heal a person even if you know that he/she will only continue to live as an obnoxious person.
It was a wet day in Cubao. Earlier debated whether I should wear one of my jackets to our lunch but decided not to.
The envious will always prevent you from having what they cannot have themselves.
It is possible to find isolation in the company of others, but it is not possible to find solitude under the same condition.
To heal, reset, or energize someone whom you love, hug him or her with your heads touching and hum to emit a sound like a machine, engine, or motor, maintaining the sound for as long as your breath is able to keep it.
Always keep a spare pen handy.
If you do not know how to relax, study a cat's resting postures and simulate them.
No one is constrained to have a lover, including those who do have lovers.
We smugly criticize our leaders, not knowing how much they have to put up with and not realizing that what they are burdened with would be too much for ourselves to bear.
Do not pluck off dead leaves. Let them fall on their own.
Details from _Portrait of Raul Deodato Arellano With My Friend The Spirit Of The Peepal Tree_.

The elemental prince of air poses for a photo.

Back from lunch out with three sisters, a brother-in-law, Angelique, and Aubrey.

Your Messenger message:

"Dear Sir Tony,

"I'm not sure if you can still remember me but I met you when I was in college through a writing workshop in ___. I finished Bachelor of Arts in __________ major in __________ and graduated as a Cum Laude. After that, I worked as a _________ teacher for _________s while reviewing for the _____ exam. I passed the exam. I studied Diploma in _______________ and finished it as well. After that, I went back to my hometown and worked as a _________ teacher in a state university for 2 years. It was too much for me even though it was already a good position so I resigned. Then I worked as a _________ teacher in a small school...but only stayed there for 6 months. I went back to ___________, worked homebased as an online _______ teacher, only stayed for more or less 6 months, then took another job again. I became a _________ for 6 months. I decided to go back to my hometown. I studied ____________, finished it and got __________________. Now, I'm working as a _______________ for almost 3 months now.
"So that's more or less what happened in my life. Now, here's the thing. I'm really feeling desperate because I'm __, have been through all that and yet I still don't know what I really want to do with my life. I don't have anything that I'm really passionate about. I feel like I should be old enough to be in a stable career but I don't.

"I really don't know what to do. I hope you can give me some advice. And please do keep this private. I don't want anybody else to know what's going on with me. Thank you. "Sincerely,


My reply:

Hello ______________!

First of all, no one tells me what to do--I never keep anything private because I need others to learn from everything I am posting online.

All of your life you have been conditioned to value educational degrees and careers that are service-oriented and that require giving much of yourself to others.

Here is my advice: It is time for you to be selfish. Get a job that pays well. Buy yourself a beautiful house, spend money on clothes and jewelry, travel, and have fun. Only then can you unleash your true passion.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Good morning, Cubao!

The sky is an expanse of blue grass, and the clouds are rain puddles.
And now we are all settling down for the night.
M. and his staff are doing final touches on the cafe.

A new TV has been installed.
Dinner at home with Angelique and J. Aubrey still napping in her bedroom upstairs.

We are all looking forward to another lunch out with my sisters tomorrow.
Moved all of my TinTin books to a more accessible shelf because I intend to sleep with Captain Haddock and TinTin over the next few nights.

I think I'll go with _The Castafiore Emerald_ tonight. TinTin critics say it has the weakest plot, but I love it for fully exploring the interior of Marlinspike mansion.
My sister Sylvia gave me a huge suitcase that I am using not for traveling but for storing a dozen heavy jackets in.
That office secretary was the biggest hypocrite I have ever known, and now she is getting every bad thing that she deserves.
A person who is happy with his job will always look happy with his job.
The best-managed hotels have the oldest employees. Everything else is a training ground where employees quickly come and go.
He charges high prices for his paintings, but they look like paintings being sold on the sidewalks of Ermita.
Happy is the person who never has to make do with anything.
What is the point of planning a day of fun out if most of it will be spent in devils' traffic, in waiting for companions who will be very late because of devils' traffic, and in waiting for rides that remain trapped in devils' traffic?
The old nun is beginning to think and behave like a finicky old maid.
A fleeting fantasy follows every chance encounter. Take care never to be swept off your feet by it.
Every true artist has the right to be arrogant, but every true non-artist will disagree with that.
When you teach atchays to be proud, they becomes overly proud.
Be honest, because the truth jumps out when you least expect it and slaps you in the face.
Intelligence and wisdom are worthless if not put into practice.
Write your negative thoughts, feelings, and experiences in your book of curses, then tear off those pages and set fire to them in a small, Chinese burner at the end of each month.
Correct: "Ang _______________ ay hindi gamot at hindi dapat gamiting panggamot sa anumang uri ng sakit."

More correct and more respectful: "Ang ________________ ay hindi gamot at hindi dapat AKALAING panggamot sa anumang uri ng sakit."
Back from lunch out with three sisters, a brother-in-law, Angelique, Aubrey, and J. Angelique and Aubrey went swimming in the hotel pool while I smoked in the courtyard and wrote in my notebook.
It was another atypical day for me because I usually stay home.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Good morning, Cubao!

The sky is a painter's lush palette.
Tomorrow also will not belong to me. It will belong to my granddaughters, who are going swimming at the hotel my sister Sylvia and brother-in-law are staying in, and my sisters, who are joining all of us for lunch at the hotel.
Angelique and Aubrey are having dinner out, and so I had dinner at home alone. Invited Jamil over but he was already having dinner with his family.
The Wands must continue pointing to the ground.
I retired at a time when all of the trains were already crowded but working relatively well. I have no comprehension of what kind of hell train commuters are going through now.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Back from a lunch reunion at Bellini's Cubao Expo with former schoolmates. This is the only reunion I attended since I graduated from college.

Left to Right: Nonie Fernando, Mon Puno, Nonon Padilla, Peter Binamira, Jun Roque, Joel Macalincag, Pauli Reyes

Bobby Lavina, Raul Rodriguez, Nonie Fernando

Joel Macalincag, Paulie Reyes

Peter Binamira, Jun Roque, Joel Macalincag

Nonon Padilla, Peter Binamira, Jun Roque

Nonie Fernando, Mon Puno, Nonon Padilla
Special gifts from a very good friend, Nonon Padilla, who premiered most of my plays on the professional stage: a bottle of brown, Japanese ink and a bottle of Noodler's burgundy ink. I love!

This day does not belong to me. On one hand it belongs to my granddaughters, on the other to a group of former schoolmates who are putting together a small lunch gathering.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sky is a fancy restaurant menu.
Dinner at home with Angelique and Aubrey.
Do not measure yourself by everything you lost, but by everything you gained.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Forty winks but couldn't nap properly because O. came twice to check whether our upper floor needs repairs.
Aura imprints are very distinct on beds. Therefore, be selective as to whom you allow to lie down on your bed and sleep in it.

This is the reason you are unable to sleep the first two nights in a hotel bed, and why some men feel more comfortable sleeping on the couch or on the reclining chair.

One's own dreams can be affected by the dreams of the person who previously slept in a bed. However, their dreams cannot and will not be identical. 
Feeling like napping on this warm afternoon, like those childhood afternoons in our ancestral house in San Fernando, Pampanga, where I lay in bed for siestas, drowsing to the sight of the tall ceilings and the wood tracery and the capiz windows and the star apple tree outside, and to the sounds of ice drop vendors and calesas on the road.
Lunch at home with Angelique, and now she is off to college.
Why does Windows insist on updating itself--yet why do I see no noticeable "update" and everything is just as slow and just as erratic? Exactly what is being updated? Whose benefit is the update for if it isn't mine? Why is it that, despite my Clicking on "Make no changes to my computer", changes happen anyway? Why am I told "Restoring your previous version of Windows" when it is actually being updated no matter what? Are there no reliable, 21st-century alternatives to Windows?
The weather vane and the wind sock come back in vogue.
Tony Perez's Art of War: He who envies you will try to get close to you. If he cannot get close to you, he will declare himself your enemy. Since he is an enemy, he will attack you. And that is the exact moment when you can rightfully lunge forward to smash him.
Sometimes a loyal pet animal will take on an illness that was originally meant for you.
Let things flow, but you do not have to go with the flow.
Your Messenger message:

"Hi Sir Tony,...I'll consult you with a dream I had last night. Yesterday I had this little chat with my female officemate. We joked around a little bit and then I asked her how she is in terms of work. She smiled and then followed it by a smirk saying, Okay pa naman. Fast forward to my sleep, I noticed that we had a scene talking again and she was suddenly opening up on the same topic we had on the afternoon. She even went into detail in saying that shea having problems with her immediate boss and their overall boss. Upon waking I had to distinguish on whether I had an actual talk or was it just a dream because of the very vivid conversation I had. Just want to hear your thoughts on this Sir. Thank you and good morning."

My reply:

Hello _____!

The defense mechanism active in this dream is projection. It is the same defense mechanism active in wish-fulfillment dreams.

Are you attracted to this co-worker in some way? If so, you have been conditioned to get attached to females by being oversolicitous to them, perhaps wanting them to become emotionally dependent on you, and eventually leading to your conquest.

This is not a dream in which you conversed on the astral plane or accessed your co-worker's unconscious. It is more of a reflection of your hidden desires and impulses.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sun is a bouquet of yellow Easter lilies.
It was nice to see Jamil again, and to know that he is reliable and dependable. 
I need a respite before resuming Grikha's portrait. Like watch a few DVDs or something.
Portrait Of Raul Deodato Arellano With My Friend The Spirit Of The Peepal Tree
Tony Perez
Oil on canvas
24" x 20"

January 10 - 23, 2017

Finished but has yet to be varnished in a few weeks.

No matter how expensive or how beautiful your house is, its roof will always create problems for you.
Never make important decisions when you have a headache, a toothache, a cold, or are in fever.
The best painters are usually a cross between being an anxious type and being an obsessive-compulsive type.

January 23, 2018

Not yet finished.

On the day that I retired I swore that no one else would control me, no matter how hard they tried.
I do not extend help to people who do not ask for it.
The Wands must continue pointing to the ground.
I have more than 40 blogs, all of them simple in layout and format, because, to me, it is the content of a blog, not its technological complexity, that really matters.
They like evacuating people because it makes them look good, even if it is a repeated waste of time, energy, and resources.
Rain that does not fall from ripe clouds is like a fever that stays deep within one's body.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Not every man bitten by a werewolf becomes a werewolf himself, unless the werewolf that bit him is a gamma werewolf.

The alpha werewolf has extraordinary strength, but it is the gamma werewolf that has psychic and magical abilities above and beyond a normal werewolf's abilities.
Be at home when your children come home, for they should NEVER come to an empty home.
The gods and goddesses will always help you survive, but do not push your luck too far.
Since there is nothing like expensive chocolate, people should stop producing cheap chocolate. But, since they continue to do so, it is a real indication of how everyone settles for the cheapest in everything else.
After I eat, order what I ordered. Do not feast on my crumbs.
A man scorned has worse reactions than a woman scorned.
The city is dry but, even in the silence, I keep hearing the sound of slashing rain.
A lot of feel-good, human-interest stories online are works of FICTION.
Be kind even to those who wronged you, for you have no idea what kind of hell they went through.
It is the non-judgmental person who has the most number of friends in this world.
Two cups very black espresso blend.
Good morning, Cubao!

The clouds are trains going round the world.
Jamil is scheduled to help me in the studio tomorrow. I hope he makes it; he has a day job and devils' traffic is getting worse.
Finished rereading The Chinese Bell Murders. Loved it, of course.
M., Neil, and M.'s cafe manager are now staying in the cafe quarters, along with Chin, Michael, and Dennis.

I like this arrangement. The cafe is safer that way.
Everybody home.

Dinner with Aubrey, then Angelique and J. arrived from college.
A cellophane-wrapped bundle of joss sticks costs the same but now contains a lot less joss sticks.
Spirit Questors, it is advisable to keep petri dishes with covers in stock to contain talismans, apports, seeds, pebbles, and other such materials acquired on adventures. Aside from being safer and more hygienic they allow you to clearly see what is in them, unlike boxes and pouches.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Missing those leaf-skeleton bookmarks they used to sell when I was in high school.
It is who and what you are, not who and what your parents were, that really matters.
A canopy of leaves, no matter how dense, will always allow you to see the sky.
Before my retirement I cared about their association, because it was my job to do so.

Now that I am retired I no longer do.
Lots of DVDs to screen, but feeling lazy on a Monday.
Good morning, Cubao!

The sky is a trunk full of childhood memories.
All of Jack's nine shih tzu puppies died. And, all the while, he'd been planning to give us one.
Let your children grow up in a home that looks like a home, not a home that looks like a hotel.
Whenever you feel down, go to someone you love or someone who loves you, and spend some time together.
A desperate man always has two choices: to be creative for others or to be self-destructive.
All institutions and systems teach us to refuse to die, even when our time comes.

It is because of this that many people fear death.
Death does not always come like a thief in the night. It is usually the dying who travel on the astral plane, step out, and seek out Death.
They spoke ill of me. Now they are dead.
When someone is about to get his heart's desire or life-long wish, do not interfere or get in the way. If you do, you will prevent yourself from obtaining your own happiness.

Be magnanimous even to the people you do not like. Allow others to have their success though you share none of it.
Every act that a person does out of envy leads to his ultimate destruction.
When the rain stops, all the fountains run dry.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Evolution of a portrait

Thank God for retirement.

I don't want to die working. I want to die resting and having fun.
Lunch out with relatives, then dessert and coffee.

Goodies from Australia

Gifts from my sister Sylvia

Woke up 11:30 AM. My sister Sylvia and my brother-in-law were waiting for me in my sister Alice's house.

Now we are getting ready to have lunch out.
Good noon, Cubao!

The sun is a golden suitcase filled with unimaginable delights.
Hoping to wake up earlier than usual tomorrow because my sister Sylvia, who lives in Sydney, is visiting us one day only. She is spending the rest of her time here with her husband Rey in Cavite.
The werewolf crossed the street to the burger stand and the fruit stand.
The werewolf stepped out to eat a vanilla ice cream cone.
